Please join us for our Festive Eucharist on All Saints’ Sunday November 7 at 10:00 am. Our readings are Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9, Revelation 21:1-6a, and John 11:32-44. The Rev. Robert Vukovic will be presiding and preaching and Rev. Chris Easthill will be assisting. The bulletin is here.
You can join our worship services either in church, or live online via YouTube live. All you have to do is follow this link. The Livestream will start at 9.45 am.
If you are coming to the service, please download the bulletin to your phone or tablet, if you can, as we are printing fewer paper bulletins to avoid wastage.
Please also note that a medical mask (surgical, FFP2 or DIN KN95/N95) must be worn until you take your place.
If you want to include prayers for yourself or another during the Prayers of the People at any of our services, please send me an email
This week at a glance
Nov. 1 – 26: Exhibition at St. Augustine’s. Opening hours Wed. 2 – 7 pm; Sat. 10 am – 5 pm.
WEDNESDAY 11.00 am. Word & Worship (Zoom).
FRIDAY 11.00 am. Outreach Committee.
7.00 pm. Whither must I wander (concert)
8.30 pm. A Service of Compline (Zoom).
SATURDAY 11.00 am – 2.00 pm. Booksale/Nearly New.
2.30 pm. Christmas Wreath Making.
SUNDAY 10.00 am. Holy Eucharist (Remembrance Sunday) and Sunday School.
(Livestream on YouTube Live).
7.00 pm. Worship in Mainz (St. Christoph)
Flowers:The flowers today are given by Karin Payne-Stern in loving memory of her dear husband Frank-Wolfgang Stern. Stewardship
We invite all members of the congregation to support the mission and ministry of St. Augustine’s. Today is our Pledge Ingathering Sunday.
Remembrance SundayNovember 14
Poppies are available at church. All donations of whatever size will be gratefully received. The poppy is worn during the weeks leading to Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day.
Christmas Boxes
For some years now we have been making Christmas (shoe) boxes with Christmas gifts for children in Romania. If you would like to take part, please fill your shoe boxes with selected items from the list (available from the office). Please bring your (wrapped and packed) shoe boxes to church on Sunday, December 5 (Advent II). We expect to receive a list of children by name, age and gender. That way, the boxes can be individually addressed (perhaps even with a little card).
Upcoming Concerts and Events:
- In November: Exhibition STIRB UND WERDE. Please sign up here if you would like to help.
- November 1: Vernissage with Pianist Susanne Endres (also performing Nov. 13)
- November 12: Whither must I Wander: An Evening of English Song
- November 13: Christmas Wreath making in undercroft 14.30 – 21.00
- November 20: Christmas Bazaar. Please sign up here if you would like to help.
- November 26: Finissage with Roland Wunderlich and Manfred Birkhold
- November 27: Swing, Christmas, Swing! (Tickets from the Tourist Information)
- November 29: AIDS Memorial Service
- December 11: Mainzer Medizinerorchester Advent Concert
- December 12: Nine Lessons and Carols.