Youth Group Programme October 2024 – January 2025
Saturday October 19th we will be painting or carving pumpkins outside the church at 15:00. If it rains we will do it in the basement. Please bring your own pumpkin, if you can and if you can’t let me know.
The next book discussion with “The Horse and his Boy” from CS Lewis will be on the 27th of October after church. Please read chapters 1-3 and if you don’t have the book, you can read it online at the-horse-and-his-boy.html
It is a great read for the whole family!!!!
The Horse and his Boy is a stirring and dramatic fantasy story that finds a young boy named Shasta on the run from his homeland with the talking horse, Bree. When the pair discover a deadly plot by the Calormen people to conquer the land of Narnia, the race is on to warn the inhabitants of the impending danger and to rescue them all from certain death.
MOVIE NIGHT on Saturday November 9th. The place and time will be announce later as there is a concert at the church that night, so we can’t do it there. I am will to do the movie at my house, but if someone lives in town and wants to volunteer, please get in touch with me.
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR on Sat. November 23rd 10:00-16:00. We need volunteers to help at the CHILDREN’S TABLE. I will be asking the older children to sign up soon for a slot. It is a lot of fun and we will have nice activities that you enjoy making.
Coffee hour on Sunday the 24th of November. The Adenuga family will has signed up to help set up (45 min. before church) and so we need one volunteer family to stay after church and clean up. All others please let me know if you will be there and what you can bring.
BIBLE STUDY AND BOWLING Sun. December 8th after church
ICE SKATING on Sunday after Church either the 5th or the 12th of January.
Last but not least, please sign up to ring the bells on Sunday. Please signup here.
Please reach out to Deborah Cole if you would like to know about joining our Youth Group(s).