Forums are irregular offerings usually after church on a Sunday, often lay-led.
This year we have a special forum on Saturday, 16 March⋅11:00 am – 3:00 pm when we will be hosting a “Racism Awareness Workshop” (as part of the International Week against Racism). The focus is on “Recognizing and Confronting Racism, Including One’s Own,” with presentations and interactive workshops on unconscious bias, recognizing privilege, and building empathy. Lunch is included (for which a small fee of €5 is charged). You can register here.
This event is sponsored by:
Previous forums include “Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life” (presentation here: Miracles1), “Our refugees tell their stories,” “Right to See: A new project in Gambia,” “The Fine-Tuned Universe” (see presentation here: The Fine-Tuned Universe) and a presentation on the key points of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment and human ecology: “Laudato Si – Pope Francis’ encyclical revisited” (see presentation here and original document here).
Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” (Romans 14:8): A conversation series on end of life issues. Three guided/structured conversations, each lasting about 1 1/2 hours and taking place at church on a Saturday afternoon starting at 3 pm:
- Preparing for the end: Legal, moral and ethical issues: 30th January
- Caring for one another: Accompanying the dying and mourning: 13th February
- Death, where is thy sting? How we experience death: 27th February