Welcome to Sunday School
If you would like your child or children to attend Sunday School, please fill in and return (to the the teachers) this Sunday School Registration Form
Safeguarding Contacts and Reporting Requirements:
St. Augustine’s:
- Rector: The Rev. Christopher Easthill +49 171 3560385
- Senior Warden: Peter Hellbach, +49 170 2208418
- Safeguarding Officer: Claudia Watson, safeguarding@staugustines.de, +49 1173 493 4145
Please report any complaint from a child or vulnerable adult or any case of suspected abuse to one of the above. If the complaint or abuse results from a Convocation event, or from and event involving more than one congregation of the Convocation, the complaint should be reported to the Bishop and/or Convocation Safeguarding Officer:
- Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Mark D.W. Edington, mark.edington(at)episcopaleurope.org
- Safeguarding Officer: Jocelyn Phelps, safeguarding.officer(at)episcopaleurope.org
- Intake Officer (clergy misconduct): Ms. Maria Grazia Rizzo, intake.officer(at)episcopaleurope.org
Germany has no special statutory reporting rules for child abuse or sexual misconduct. However, in their guidelines (Leitlinien zur Einschaltung der Strafverfolgungsbehörden), the “round table on sexual misconduct (Runder Tisch „Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch“) recommends that law enforcement authorities be informed when there is evidence of an offence under section 13 of the Criminal Code (‘Crimes against sexual self-determination’).
The police station responsible for St. Augustine’s is:
- Polizeirevier, Bertramstraße 3, 65185 Wiesbaden. Tel.: (0611) 345-2140
There is also a national helpline for those affected by sexual violence, for relatives, for professionals and for all interested parties. It is a point of contact for people seeking relief, counselling, support, advice, or information.