The 2023 activities of these and all the other groups and committees and guilds at St. A’s are described here: REPORTS FOR THE 2024 AGM

Overview of Vestry Committees:

Principles: “Each committee shall include at least one Member of the Vestry” (III.9.1) and each member of the Vestry to be a member of at least one committee

Standing Committees
(C = Chair, V = Vestry Member)

Standing Committees

  1. Financial Management Committee (mandatory)
    Purpose: advise treasurer and vestry on financial matters including budget, reporting, and stewardship
    Tim Hawken C
    Wendy von der Pforte
    Chris Easthill+
    Helen Centner
    John Warner V
  2. Endowment Fund Committee (mandatory)
    DuWayne Bredvik
    Nina Scheicher V
    Susan Pinnells V, chair
    Tim Hawken (ex officio as treasurer)
    Chris Easthill+ (ex officio)
  3. Outreach Committee
    Purpose: Plan and organize the outreach initiatives of the parish. Propose use of outreach budget
    Meredith Bruno V
    Helen Centner V
    Deborah Cole C
    Fleur Donecker C
    Wolf-Dieter Donecker
    Dorothee Dziewas
    Chris Easthill+
    Justice Onuoha
  4. Fine Arts and Fun(d) Raising Committee
    Purpose: plan and organize concerts and other fund-raising events
    Ivan Williams
    Madeline Bohr V and C
    Deborah Cole
    Tim Hawken
    John Richards
  5. Buildings and Grounds
    Purpose: support the Jr. Warden in his responsibilities for caring for our facilities
    Joe Kroll V + C
    Helen Centner V
    Mike Dombrowski
    Bettina Gies V
    Anastasiia Synytsia V
  6. Executive Committee (of the Vestry)
    Purpose: Prepare Vestry meetings and decisions; other tasks as delegated
    Chris Easthill+ C
    Helen Centner
    Joe Kroll
    Tim Hawken
    John Warner
  7. Formation and Education (Sunday School, Nursery, Youth, Adult)
    Purpose: plan and coordinate Christian formation
    Chris Easthill+ (Overall coordination and responsibility)
    Roxane Richards and Barbara Mueller-Grant V (children)
    Deborah Cole (Youth)
    Greg Rampinelli V (Adult Formation)
    Audrey Shankles (Young Adults)
  8. Communications
    Overall meetings only when communications strategy to be reviewed, most meetings at team level:
    Website: Stefan Ehmann (editor), Robert Ramsay (webmaster)
    Facebook/MailChimp: Chris Easthill+
    Press/PR: Madeline Bohr
  9. Hospitality
    Purpose: coordinate regular hospitality (Coffee Hour and Kaffeekatsch) and for special social/fellowship events (AGM, picnic, Night of the Churches ….)
    Linda Bredvik
    Lawrence Kamau V
    Cornelius Ludwig
    Barbara Mueller-Grant V
    Marci Warner


Other Committees (not Vestry)

Worship Committee (M = also members of the ‘Music Section,’ former Hymn Selection Committee)
Purpose: review and planning of worship and liturgical music

Chris Easthill+ C, M
John Adam (Vestry Liaison)
Val Röcker (Altar)
Robert Ramsay (Chalice Bearers)
June Dewell (Lectors)
Valeria Eiseman, Bettina Gies (Acolytes)
Peter Hellbach (Ushers)
Douglas Robinson+ (Priest Associate)
Ivan Williams (Choir) M
Tim Hawken (Organist)
Fleur Donecker M
Robert Vukovic (Priest Associate)