The Episcopal Church observes the traditional Christian calendar in which we move through the life of Jesus during the course of a year. The season of Advent, during which we prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas, begins on the Sunday closest to November 30. Christmas itself lasts twelve days, after which we celebrate the Epiphany, the adoration of Jesus by the magi at which the light of Christ breaks out into the world. Lent, the forty days of penitential preparation for Easter, begins on Ash Wednesday. The most deeply spiritual time of the year takes place during the Holy Week before Easter in which we commemorate the last days of Jesus on earth, culminating in his resurrection on Easter Sunday. During the Easter season, we focus particularly on the risen Christ in the early Church, culminating in Pentecost, fifty days after Easter, when Jesus’ followers were filled with the Holy Spirit and sent into the world to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

At St. Augustine’s we mark the church year with many special services, for example:


During Advent and Christmas :

  • The Nine Lessons & Carols_MG_4192.CR2
  • Christmas Pageant
  • Candlelight Choral Eucharist (Midnight Mass)

During Lent, Holy Week and Easter

  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Palm Sunday with Procession and dramatic reading of teh Passion Gospel
  • Tenebrae on Wednesday in Holy Week
  • MaundyThursday Simple Suppe, Eucharist with Foot Washing
  • Good Friday Liturgy
  • Festive Easter Sunday Eucharist

Our Patronal Day (St. Augustine of Canterbury) in May

An Open Air Service in the SummerAll Saints Candles 1

Harvest Festival/Blessing of Animals

Festive Eucharist on All Saints

Remembrance Sunday in November

Remembrance Day